Brief cultural history of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
History and Art in Buenos Aires from 1800s
This page has like goal to introduce the foreign tourists in the knowledge of the city of Buenos Aires, the reason of its conformation through political decisions or contextual influences. It accompanies that journey the one on the way to the Art (specifically the painting), like testimony of the changes in the thought and witness also of the physical changes in the city.Buenos Aires almost a “Great Village”…
Years 1700 - 1800: El legacy Jesuit. The historical helmet. The School San Carlos (today Manzana of the Luceses), San Ignacio's Church, the Pilar's Church. The work of the Jesuit Blanqui and Primoli. The painters and sculptors: Isidro Lorea, Miguel Aucell, José Gil of Castro, etc. The art of” the traveling columnists”: Brambila, Essex Vidal, Hipolito Baclé.
Buenos Aires wake up with dreams of greatness…
The Romantic of the Generation of the 1837. Ladybug Sánchez of Thompson and Marcos Sastre and the Literary Living room. The “I Project Rivadavia”. Prosper Catelin and The Metropolitan Cathedral. Moritz Rugendas “a Delacroix in the Plata.”Buenos Aires abandon the colony and you italianiza… Justo José of Urquiza and the Italian Neo-rebirth. The Academicism. Pietro Fossati and Juan Manuel Blanes. Prilidiano Pueyrredón and Edward Taylor. The contradictions between a federal project and the unitary one. Juan Manuel of Rosas and Buenos Aires like the “casco of a gigantic estancia.”
Buenos Aires full with heroes…
Bartolomé Mitre y las alegorías. Development of the project italianizante. The Congress of Jonás Largía and the Italian school of Painting, Manzoni, Verassi. The Italian Architects, Fossati, Canale and Buschiazzo. The painters of the wars, Cándido López and José Félix Murature.
Buenos Aires look at Paris…
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and the Higienismo Francés. The cultured immigration. The Ecole of Beaux Arts of Paris. Jules Dormal. The Generation of the 1880. Miguel Cané, Eduardo Schiaffino and The Athenaeum of the Fine arts, Eduardo Sívori and Ernesto of the Cárcova. Buenos Aires and The Plata, Europe in South America. Buenos Aires “with Impressionist light” Martin Malharro, pious Collivadino and the Impressionism. The Group Nexus. Fernando Fader, Caesarean Bernaldo of Quiros, Fair Lynch… and because not the one Post - Impressionism, Miguel Carlos Victorica, Alfredo Lazzari, Domingo Candia…
Buenos Aires fill with people…
The Immigration. The port of Buenos Aires. The Boca of the Riachuelo is our “Montmartre”. The tango, the painters of La Boca, Quinquela Martin, Fortunato Lacamera. The bohemian. First Anarchists. The Painters of the Town. Group Boedo. Abraham Vigo and Roberto Arlt. Buenos Aires with “airs of Vanguard”… Victoria Ocampo's Group. The Editorial Sur. The Martin Fierrismo of Jorge Luis Borges and Leopoldo Marechal. The Ultraismo and the Magazine Proa. Emilio's Cubism Petorutti, the lyrical abstraction of Xul Lot, Raquel's Surrealism Forner and the Abstraction of Of the Prete. The Rationalistic Modernity, Alberto Prebisch, Amancio Williams.
buenos aires history